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Training course

Understand your own mental health to help others as well as yourself 

Mental Health First Aid courses you can undertake with Mind Yer Heid

My ambition is not just to train others to understand mental health issues, but to help them understand their own mental health so they are better equipped to help others.



Mental Health First Aid Trainer


I offer a 1 Day or Two Day Mental Health First Aid accredited by NUCO and OFQUAL course

First Aid for Mental Health - FAA Level 2 England (Level 5 Scotland) Award - 1 day

This 1-Day course covers the content of the Level 1 course (A ½-Day course aimed at providing learners with the knowledge to:


- Identify suspected mental health conditions and the skills to start a conversation

- Be able to signpost the person towards professional help) 

- Expand on the effects of drugs and alcohol,

- Incorporate the First Aid for Mental Health Action Plan

- Cover ways in which a positive mental health culture can be supported within a workplace

- For more information contact us here

Thinking Man on Couch
Attentive Therapist

First Aid for Mental Health Leading - FAA Level 3 England (Level 6 Scotland) Award - 2 day

This 2-Day course goes into detail on:


- A wide range of mental health conditions and

- The support and help provided by healthcare professionals

- The content of both the Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications but is aimed at Trainer/Assessors and/or supervisor level within the workplace

- For more information contact us here



Course completion benefits

Everyone who completes this training course will be provided with;

A certificate of attendance and accreditation to confirm mental health first aider status

A quick mental health reference with points to refer back to


A mental health first aid logo to use as evidence of attendance and recognition

The courses are limited to 10 people so that the instructor can ensure everyone’s individual learning styles are being cared for.

Elevate the well-being for your team, colleagues, friends, family, and yourself.

UK Based but offering courses to customers worldwide

Thanks for submitting! We’ll be in touch soon.


07999 876033



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